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Thursday Night

Thursday Night

Snuggling down into the warm waterbed, she was thankful tomorrow was Friday.   The week had been long; work continuing to pile up.   She had three days of work left, but she was confident she could finish it all in the last 14 hour work day of the week.


As she reached out to get the cell phone she heard a growl from the other side of the bed.

"You'd better be reaching out to mute that damn thing, or the ropes we use for play just might be used to keep you from all your electronics."

"Yeah, um, yeah, I'm muting it.  All of them." She rolls over and quickly mutes all the electronics sitting on the hard back chair beside the bed.  A quick glance to see if the email had been from work or from a yahoo group, shows her it's from the yahoo group.  Never one to have a ton of patience, she can't wait until morning to read what's going. Opening the email, she notices replies back and forth.  Giggling, snorting, and chuckling at the banter, she's soon immersed in all the fun.


"I told you to mute the damn things, not play on them all night."

The smack coupled with the growl always created tingles in her tummy.  Dropping the tablet next to the others, she then rolled over, right into his arms.  "Sorry, I just got caught up."

Her breath catches in her throat as she's suddenly rolled over and smacked a few more times.   Tummy tingles soon head southward.   The smacks slow down and caresses are interspersed.  Ouches and moans become mixed; work emails and yahoo groups are quickly forgotten.

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