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Just a little something that I had to get out of my head. And I had fun writing it!

Title: Again

“I accept no responsibility and I would do it all again!” I shouted.

In my head. Not out loud. Do you all think I have a death wish? I mean, yeah, my butt is toast, but I do have some self preservation skills left.

And the reason why my butt is toast isn’t because I’d done something stupid. Again. Although I had done something stupid. Monumentally stupid. Again.

No, I know exactly the reason I’m getting spanked. He knows the reason too. And he knows that I know. And I know that he knows get the point. I’m rambling. Again. I’ll get to the point.

It wasn’t for being stupid. Again. It was so I could forgive myself and move on. Not get stuck in the muck and mire of regret and self-flagellation.

Though I may not sit comfortably tonight. Or even tomorrow. I would be much harsher on myself than he ever would.

Do I accept the responsibility? Would I do it all again? Well that depends. Do I accept responsibility for my stupidity? In two words, hell yes.

Would I do it all again? My act of stupidity? No. I do try to learn from my mistakes.

Would I do it all again? Marry him? In two words, hell yes.


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