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FICLET: Who's Top

A friend sent me a picture and told me to write something about it. I'm not sure about the copyright permissions of the picture but thought I could still share the little ficlet!

Title: Little Fantasies: Who’s Top
Characters: Alex/Julien
Series: Little Fantasies

He didn’t know what it was that woke him-the morning sun streaming in the window or the scent of breakfast wafting down the hall. Coffee and bacon the ambrosia of life! He snuggled back into his pillows and smiled. It didn’t matter what woke him, he was going to just enjoy this feeling of victory!

He as the top! The dominant! He ruled with an iron fist! Or really just a little metal iron. But rule he did! Just like a king!

“Ow! What was that for?” Julien asked, rubbing the place Alex had just smacked.

“You won at Monopoly! You are not the dominant or the king! I shouldn’t have made that bet with you.”

Throwing off the blankets, Julien jumped out of bed. “I didn’t realize I was talking out loud. And the bet was who ever lost would make the other breakfast. You just can’t compete with my superior skills so I AM king! I am top!”

Suddenly Julien found himself thrown back on the bed. Before he could get back up, Alex lowered himself on top of him.

“I’ll show you who’s Top.” Alex bent his head and captured his lips.

As passion soared, Julien happily conceded Alex was Top.


To read more of Alex and Julien go to the Little Fantasies page.

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