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FIC: The Contract

This is a couple I've written a few times. As I'm trying to finish Destiny's Refuge, Leland and RJ demanded to be written. There might be a second part of this later.

Title: The Contract
Character: Leland/RJ

Locking the door to his clinic, Leland wondered for the first time if he should start looking for a partner. The start of school had always been a busy time, but with the town growing so much there didn’t seem to be a ‘slow’ time. He had changed closing time to seven at the end of July, giving parents a chance to bring their children in after work. It wasn’t so bad now, but when the clocks fell back in autumn, he’d be opening and closing in the dark.

At least with these hours, he didn’t have to worry about traffic. He laughed softly to himself as he walked to his car. The small town he’d lived in all his life had grown beyond recognition, they had traffic to worry about now. When he had opened the first and only eye clinic, he’d worried he wouldn’t have enough customers to keep it open. But with the town population growing, as well as all the other little towns close to them, he hadn’t needed to worry.

He shouldn’t complain, but dammit, he missed RJ. He’d been leaving as RJ was just waking, coming home to eat a quick dinner, and then the day was over. Leland couldn’t remember the last time they’d had lunch together. They used to meet almost every day. A quick bite to eat often led to a quick, but satisfying romp between the sheets-metaphorically speaking. Leland didn’t even get hard at the thought of those memories.

“That’s it,” he said out loud. “I’m going to do some research. Check around, see what all it takes to get a partner. I’m too young to prefer to sleep instead of sex.” With a plan made, Leland concentrated on driving the few miles to home.

The ranch-style house was dark except for one window-the one that belonged to RJ’s office. Leland felt even more guilty. RJ was probably playing on the computer waiting for him.

Leland went inside and walked down the hallway straight to the small bedroom they’d turned into RJ’s office. He leaned against the doorframe and let his eyes feast on the man he loved. He could’ve stood staring at RJ for hours, but his stomach reminded him that lunch had been an apple eaten many hours ago.

Softly so he didn’t scare his husband, Leland said, “Have you eaten yet?”


RJ’s head lifted, but Leland could see that the question hadn’t registered. Taking a good look at RJ, he was startled to see dark, almost purple circles under his eyes. Lines of stress were furrowed around his mouth and across his forehead. The sight told Leland he hadn’t been the only one working too much.

“Turn off the computer. You’re done for the night. Let’s go find something for dinner.”

RJ shook his head. “I can’t. I’ve got to have this page done. They are launching in the morning. The layout is good, but I want to make sure all the links work.”

The words rolled around Leland’s head. He knew what each word meant, but combined they didn’t make any sense. RJ was a photojournalist for the local paper here and two other small weekly papers, but he didn’t do the layouts. That was the editor’s job. Why was RJ doing it? He put voice to his question and asked RJ, “Why are you doing the layout? Did Janie quit or something?”

“What? No. I mean, Janie is still the editor at the Gazette. This is for Carlsen's.”

Leland didn’t know if it was because he was tired or hungry, but it seemed nothing RJ was saying tonight made any sense. “Who is Carlsen?”

“Carlsen’s. You know them.” When Leland shook his head, RJ gave more detail. “You do know them. Carlsen’s Outdoor Adventures!”

Ok, Leland thought to himself, he knew Carlsen’s, but he still had no clue of what RJ was talking about. “RJ, turn off the computer, let’s go eat, and then you can explain this all to me. A full explanation. In simple words.”


“Now.” Leland interrupted RJ’s protest. It was late and there were things going on in RJ’s life that Leland didn’t know about. Life had slipped out of all control. Seeing RJ hesitate, Leland gave him a bit of encouragement. “Or would you like me to help you?”

RJ’s eyes widened at the subtle threat. “I’ll turn it off to eat. But, Leland, I really do have to finish this tonight. I gave them my word. It’s not even about being paid, although, I won’t get paid if it’s not done. It’s my honor. My word.”

Running his hand through his hair, Leland sighed. “Let’s eat. Then we’ll talk about this....this....whatever is going on.” When he saw RJ’s fingers fly across the keyboard, Leland pushed himself away from the door and went into the kitchen.

Rummaging through the cabinets and refrigerator, Leland thought back to the last time they’d gone grocery shopping. He couldn’t remember when it was. It had to have been a couple of weeks ago because their cabinets were all but bare. The refrigerator held some condiments, a half dozen eggs, and some sketchy looking milk. He went into the garage and found their stash of soda. At least they had something besides water to drink. He decided to just order dinner in.

The one good thing about the town growing so much was that they now boasted a pizza joint that had delivery. He pulled out his phone and ordered a large pie.

Back in the living room, he called out, “RJ, come on. I’ve ordered a pizza. It’ll be here in less than a half-hour.”

When RJ came in and flopped down on the couch, Leland asked, “So what’s this about Carlsen’s?”

“I’m making them a website and managing it for them.” Even RJ’s voice sounded tired and tense.

“What? A website? Why didn’t you tell me about this? You took on a second job? We should have talked about this.” Leland was dumbfounded. He didn’t know that his husband had another job.

“You didn’t talk to me when you extended your hours at the clinic.”

“What? Is that what this is? Payback for not talking to you about that?” Leland could feel the anger rising in him. He just wasn’t sure who he was angry with.

RJ’s look of surprise reassured him that revenge wasn’t the reason. “No! I can’t believe you’d think that! My job has never been a big deal. I mean, I could understand if I was taking a job in some big town and we had to move. But taking a little job that I do from home didn’t seem that big of a deal! That I needed to get your permission!”

Just then the doorbell rang. Leland stood up. “Hold that thought. Let me get the pizza.” As he walked to the door, he saw RJ go into the kitchen. By the time, he’d paid for the food, caught up on the small-town gossip, and shut the door, RJ had the coffee table set with paper plates and napkins. Leland thought back, but couldn’t remember the last time they’d sat at their kitchen table like civilized people. Shaking his head in self-recrimination, he wondered if someone would show up to take his Top card away.

Setting the pizza on the coffee table, Leland leaned over and dropped a kiss on RJ’s head. “Thank you for getting plates and stuff.”

RJ opened the box and pulled out a slice of the pie. “I don’t have the energy to do dishes and I didn’t think you did either.”

No, Leland thought. He didn’t have the energy. And that was the problem. They’d let the draining responsibilities of life get in the way. Grabbing a piece of pizza for himself, he leaned back. “Ok. Tell me about this Carlsen thing.”

Quickly chewing his bite of pizza, then swallowing, RJ explained, “I was in their shop a couple of weeks ago looking for a new backpack. The zipper on mine ripped out. Well, old man Carlsen was there and we started talking. He was telling me how worried he was about that big outdoor company going into Nashville. He was afraid people would buy any camping supplies, hunting stuff, whatever there and not at his place.”

Leland nodded. He could see why the man would be worried. People went up into the mountains to hike and camp. They had to pass by their town and they’d stop at Carlsen’s. The store carried everything that was needed for hunting, fishing, camping, even kayaking. But if people bought at a large warehouse store that offered cheap prices, then his business would suffer.

“So we got to talking and one thing led to another, and he asked me to make him a website and keep it up. He’s been advertising it with flyers all week. And tomorrow is the day we launch it. He’s having a big to-do at his store with a sale and prizes.” RJ reached for his can of coke and took a drink.

“I don’t think I understand. How did the conversation go from the big store to you making a website? Do you even know how to make one?” Leland couldn’t believe he’d missed all of this. He wouldn’t wait for anyone to come get his Top-card, he’d burn it himself tonight. His Brat had a whole new career and he didn’t even know about it!

RJ opened his mouth to reply, but instead, a loud burp came out. “Excuse me! I’ve had horrible heartburn. Well, I didn’t know how to build one, but I’ve been looking things up and figuring things out. In someways it easier than I thought and in other ways, so much harder!”

Leland sat quietly for a moment. They’d start to live separate lives. He needed to get them back together. Where they talked to each other. Shared their days with each other. Looking at RJ, he could still see the lines of stress and the dark circles under his eyes. They also needed to get back to the discipline they had once had. But first, he needed to find out if any of that was what RJ wanted as well.

“We seem to have lost us” Tears filled RJ’s eyes when he heard Leland’s words. “Oh babe, it’s alright. We’ll figure it out. But it’s going to take some work. Hard work. Discipline-for both of us. It won’t be easy. There’ll probably be tears. But I think we need to get back to being Leland and RJ. Together. Not living separate lives. What do you think?”

Leland watched as RJ swallowed hard. He watched as the tension left his boy’s body. His shoulders dropped. Leland hadn’t even noticed the tension throughout RJ’s body until it had been drained out of him. He didn’t want to push him, but he had to hear the words. “I need the words from you. Just like we did at the very beginning.”

“Yes. Please. Yes.” The sobs were barely hidden in RJ’s voice. “But I really do have to finish the website tonight.”

Nodding, Leland said, “Yes, it’s your word. I understand. I think another hour should give you plenty of time. I think it’s probably ready, you are just nitpicking now.” The red creeping into RJ’s face confirmed Leland was right. “So while you finish it up, I’m going to start to draft a contract.”

“A contract? Carlsen and I already made one. I’m getting a lump sum at the end of the week for building the site, then I’m getting a weekly salary for maintaining it. I looked up online some examples so neither one of us would be cheated.”

Leland leaned over and kissed him. Partly to stop him from talking and partly because it’d been too long since they’d really kissed. When he finally broke away from RJ’s lips, he whispered, “I’m so proud of you, RJ.”

RJ beamed at him. Leland forced himself to lean back or he was going to take his lover right then.

“That’s good you got some examples. But the contract I’m talking about is between me and you. I think to get back to us, we need to write out our expectations. Expectations of ourselves, of each other, and of us together. I’ll get it started and when you are done-remember you have an hour-we’ll finish it together. How does that sound?”

“I like it. I like having it all written out.”

Leland knew that RJ liked rules. He felt safe in knowing what his boundaries were and what was expected of him. Leland looked at the half-eaten pizza. “Are you done?” He asked. When RJ nodded, he continued, “Go on and finish the website. I’ll clean this up and get started on our contract. Oh, before you start, set your phone alarm for fifty minutes. That way you’ll know when your time is about up.”

He watched as RJ pulled his phone out and set the alarm. Then he watched his lover’s backside as he walked down the hall. They’d work this out. He knew they would. And maybe he’d get to keep his Top-card.

The End

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