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FICLET: Defenses Down

I'd written a silly ficlet awhile ago called The Raid. The Raid featured a group of miniature soldiers. The soldiers wanted to go on another mission! This is the mission they went on.

Title: Defenses Down
Series: Little Soldiers

“The defenses are down,” The commander called out. His voice held no hint of the fear he felt inside. He had to put on a brave face to the men in his unit. Order and discipline were paramount in the military. “The enemy has breached the frontline.”

“Sir. We’ve a second wave coming in from the side.” The second in command didn’t hide his fear as well as his commander. “There’s been a breach on two fronts!”

“Set the alarms to DEFCON 5, lieutenant.” The commander turned to the soldiers who had gathered around. “Alright, men, stress, and worry have infiltrated the frontline. This is what we’ve trained for. Suit up! We bug out in five.”

As the men shouldered their rucksacks, he took one last look at the radar. The enemy was fierce, but his men could handle it. They were the best of the best. Soon the little army was double-timing it to the front line.

Minutes before they reached their objective, the corporal ran up to the commander. “Sir, we’ve new information! It just came over the radio.”

The commander held his fisted hand up, signaling the men to stop. “Well, corporal, what is it?”

The corporal blushed and stammered. To have the attention of the good-looking, commander left him flustered and tongue-tied.

“Come on, man! Spit it out.”

The forceful voice of the commander gave him an even sexier appeal. But the corporal knew his duty. The corporal pushed down his arousal and said, “Sir. The bomb has been dropped. The F-bomb.”

The commander’s face showed no sign of the panic he was feeling inside. He was a career soldier and would never let his emotions show. But his insides twisted at this new information.

“Alright men. The mission has changed. Instead of weapons of ass destruction, we are now looking for a different kind of weapon.”

“You mean....”

The commander’s face looked as if it was carved out of stone. “Yes. we need to get all the soap-hand and dish. There’s been no precedent of hot sauce being used, but we’ll be proactive and collect everything that could be used.”

The lieutenant pulled out a map. “Ok. There are entry points here and here. I can take a team and infiltrate into the kitchen.’

The commander studied the map intensely. If his second in command raided the kitchen, that would leave the bathroom as his target. He looked at the teams. “Let’s move out!”

The commander and lieutenant exchanged nods of understanding. This was a dangerous mission, but with military discipline, it could be completed.

With great stealth, the men quietly reached the house. Commander unsheathed his knife and quickly sliced through the screen. He held it opened and signaled his men to enter. With hand motions, he motioned his team to the sink. He planned to collect all the extra soap in the cabinet. Suddenly, one of the enlisted men started frantically waving his arms. The commander crept closer to him. In a whisper, he asked, “What is the problem, private?”

The young freckled faced man pointed to the countertop. “Sir. It’s a weapon of ass destruction!”

The commander turned. There, lying curled like a snake, was the weapon. The brown leather belt looked well-worn and incredibly dangerous. But the bars of soap were almost as tall as each man. There was no way they could carry the soap and the belt. A decision had to be made.

“Private, listen to me. You are young and new to the ways of the soldier. There are still things you need to learn. Tonight you will come to understand that sometimes to win the war, a few battles must be lost.”

The private gulped and rubbed his own ass. He knew that the Brat’s butt must be sacrificed in order to escape a mouth washing. Nodding in understanding, the private turned to the bar of soap.

The commander watched as the private looped rope around the soap and then heft it onto his back. Reassured that the soldier was back on mission, he rappelled down the cabinet. Using all his strength, he finally opened the door. He knew he’d made the right call when he saw a stack of unopened bars of soap. He knew he wouldn’t be able to carry of all them, so he set to work pushing some behind bottles and cans of bathroom cleaner. When only two bars were left, he quickly tied a rope around them. With one bar on his back and another on his front, he’d be slow, but he could climb back up and out the window.

The sweat was pouring off his face and his arms burned as he pulled himself up. Looking out the window, he saw his men retreating into the dense garden. He slipped out the window just as the bathroom door opened. Hiding in the shadows, he saw the tall, lean, Top pick up the belt and stride back out.

Heaving a sigh of relief that he hadn’t been spotted, the commander turned his eyes to the heavens. He sent a quick prayer to the gods of discipline that soothing aloe would follow the spanking that was about to commence. The Brat’s defenses were down, but that’s when the walls would be built better and stronger than before. Once the prayer was done, the commander marched to the garden and to their hidden base. He would celebrate another victory won with his team.



  1. Replies
    1. I’m so glad you got a giggle out of this, Dragonquest! I had fun writing it! Thank you so much for your comments!

