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FICLET: Sunday Morning

This  is fluffy and sweet.  So sweet you might get a tooth ache.

Title: Sunday Morning
Characters: Neanderthal and Wench

Wench rolled over and looked out the window.  The clouds were hanging heavy in the sky.  No rain yet, but soon the clouds would release their life giving bundle.  She leaned over and grabbed her phone off the nightstand.  With a sigh, she noticed how late it was; she'd never make it to church.  Lazily she stretched and then got out of bed.  Since the Sunday spring morning held a little chill to the air, she threw an old sweatshirt on over her cami and old boxers and strolled out to the living room.  

As she stepped into the living room she saw the Neanderthal playing on a pink iPad.  HER pink iPad.  She opened her mouth to ask him what he was doing, when he suddenly lifted his head and LOOKED at her.  Now, it wasn't a look of impending doom.  No, this was a look of pure dominance.  A LOOK that had been twisting her stomach for years.  The frequency of these looks might be less, but the intensity was still the same.

Wench stood there in the doorway.  Frozen.  Mouth still hanging open.  Caught in his dominance.  She watched as he set the iPad aside, stood up, and strode toward her.  He caught her wrist in his big paw, and pulled down the hallway, and back into their bedroom.

HIs show of love was rough and gentle.  Dominating and caring.  Pain and pleasure melding together. Strong hands held her wrist pinned to the mattress until she cried out with the need to touch him.  Their release of completion was as high as Mt Everest and they were both out of breath as they rode the clouds back to earth.

Wench turned her head and looked at her Neanderthal, a little niggling voice in the back of her head had her asking, "what were you doing with my iPad?"

The Neanderthal took no shame in telling her what he had done. A few grunts, growls, snarls and a small roar told her of a new app to help remind her to take her medication.  An app he had found and  promptly put on her iPad.  More growls and snarls told her exactly what would happen to her ass if she forgot again.

Wench wanted to be angry with him.  She wanted to shout and become indignant.  But the love and dominance shining through his eyes stilled her tongue.   She pulled her self up and then leaned over the old caveman.  With a soft lingering kiss, she thanked him for being hers.


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