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In honor of Vietnam Veteran's Day-Saturday March 29, 2014.


The sun has set; but darkness hasn't yet blanketed the earth.   The glow of the evening cast eerie shadows.  Those shadows bring the enemy to my mind.  The flashbacks of an unpopular war.  A war that hasn't ended for so many.

I sit and wait for the attack from those who are dressed in funny, black pajamas.  My eyes dart around, looking for signs of movement.  The trees in the backyard fade away to jungle memories.  My body is tense; ready for the signal from my brain to attack.

Slowly I become aware of the hand.  Not a hesitant touch.  A strong, sure hand.  Not a gentle stroke down my back.  The hand rubs from my shoulders to the small of my back and up again.  I know this touch.  The fingers and palms of my brother in battle.

Not the battle that haunts me still, but of the war that will not leave me alone.  This is a hand that has brought pain to my backside.  Pain that morphs into release.  Release of frustration.  Of tears.  Of a young man's life forever changed.

I turn to look at him as dusk becomes dark.  The shadows gone now, replaced by a twilight as the moon and stars cast their light.  He smiles at me as he holds out his hand.  The war is pushed back to memories again as he pulls me up.  Into his arms.  The jungle fades away to our backyard again.  The smell of early spring in the air.  A contrast to the late fall season of our lives.

He kisses me.  Again, not a gentle touch.  I smile against his lips.  Tonight there is no room for war.  Only a peace that we can give each other.


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