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A Better Way To Love

(Natasha's RC Universe Characters Used under the following agreement:

My gratitude to Natasha for helping  me with Gordon and Landon.
A Better Way to Love Pairing: Jonah/Samuel Implement: hand Type: Slash Series: Reality Check "Samuel, get your butt back in our room. Now." Jonah ordered Samuel. He had woken to the sun shining in his eyes after staying up late talking with Gordon and rolled over to discover an empty bed where his brat should be. A quick search found his brat outside playing in the snow like a kid. Jonah gave his order in a quiet, menacing voice that brought all the brats to a standstill. "But, Jonah," Samuel said, sounding baffled. "But, nothing. You know you tell me when you're going out. And what're you doing out here anyway? It's cold and you're soaking wet from the snow," Jonah grabbed Samuel, intending to take him back to their rooms. Jonah was shocked when Samuel pulled away. "Gordon said I could," Samuel protested. Jonah saw Gordon watching him from the front door. What the hell was Gordon thinking? Jonah thought to himself. Well, he's thinking that he has all the money in the world to pay for a doctor if Samuel gets sick. He had no idea that Samuel needed to be protected. And who the hell was he to tell Samuel he could do anything? That's my job. "Get upstairs. Now," Jonah said through clenched teeth. "It's not fair," Samuel said, but went as ordered. Jonah stalked after the hurrying brat and closed the door firmly once they were inside their rooms. "Get those clothes off, dry yourself, and get across the bed. Samuel, how many times do I need to whip your butt before you learn to think about your safety?" Jonah asked harshly. "Jonah, Gordon said I could go out." Jonah saw the tears in Samuel's eyes, but he wouldn't be swayed. He was going to get it through Samuel's head to think before he jumped feet first into a potentially dangerous situation. "Samuel, now!" He couldn't believe that Samuel was arguing with him. He then stalked to the door when he heard knocking. He opened it to find Gordon standing there. "What?" He asked baldly. Gordon stood in the door, immaculate and unruffled in corduroys and a Shetland sweater. "I thought perhaps you'd join me for a cup of tea and a sweet. I know you missed breakfast. Breakfast is generally a required meal, but your absence was excused this morning. You were most understandably exhausted after your long journey. Landon already raided the cupboard for your young partner, but I was able to save several of those pumpkin muffins for which I've developed a rather dangerous affinity. You must try them. Armand's baking is I believe referred to `as something to die for.' A most peculiar American expression." Jonah stared. Why was he having this inane conversation with this man? The words were inane, but the eyes were steel, and refusing tea suddenly seemed a poor choice. "I'll be there soon. I have a something to do first," he would not be swayed from his duty. "I require your presence immediately. I can't abide cold tea." Gordon said. "Samuel, if you're hungry again, go down to the kitchen. In winter there is always cocoa, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are some gingersnaps fresh from the oven. I was sure I smelled molasses and cloves earlier. Armand's cookies are even better than his muffins, and Landon would happily eat several dozen. Off you go." Gordon gave Samuel a gentle push toward the door. Jonah saw Samuel looking between the two of them, unsure of what to do. "No, Samuel, stay here. I'll be right back." "Don't. You don't want him to witness this. It'll only confuse him," Gordon said softly so that Samuel couldn't hear. "Samuel, go on down. But once you're done, you get back up here. I don't want to have to hunt you down again." "Listen, I don't know what you are doing," Jonah whirled around to Gordon as soon as they entered Gordon's office. "But, Samuel has to learn to think before he acts." "We can either have a polite conversation like two civilized human beings, or you may continue to yell, and I will enforce consequences. I will not be ranted at in my own home," Gordon said, his voice hardly above a whisper but the tone freezing in intensity. "You have no right to interfere between Jonah and me. He's my partner--" "Kneel," Gordon commanded, placing a firm hand on Jonah's shoulder. "What?" "You have chosen the less civilized option. You may not rant at me. You may despise me. You may dream of me being murdered in the most gruesome fashion in my sleep, but you will obey me. I've topped for a long time, and I know how to do this. Kneel, boy, and silence." "I, I," Jonah couldn't believe he was stuttering to this mad man. He had to be insane to want Jonah to kneel to him. "Kneel," Gordon repeated in that same implacably calm tone, a tone that Jonah was astonished to find himself obeying. The floor was hard under his knees, and Jonah founded himself instantly shifting to try to find a more comfortable position. He'd never knelt to anyone. Well, he had in church, but that had been a sham. "Thank you," Gordon said softly. Gordon's hand rested softly on Jonah's shoulder, a surprisingly reassuring gesture. "Breathe and listen to me. Contrary to what you may currently believe, this is not about humiliation or domination. This is the most efficient way I have found to focus a man's attention, top or brat. We haven't the luxury of long extended debates. Your brat is confused, isolated, and frightened. We must send Samuel the same message. Jonah, you were going to take your belt to Samuel for playing in the snow. We believe strongly in consequences for poor choices; however, playing in the snow, after I gave him my blessing to do so, is not a poor choice. Consequences are used to help our brats learn from mistakes. What mistake did Samuel make?" Gordon asked. "He," Jonah said, starting to rise. "No, I didn't give you permission to rise. Stay on your knees. He was playing. I suspect Samuel has had little interaction with other young men nor the opportunity to just enjoy himself. Safety and secrecy had to come first. This is our world. Let him enjoy it. Don't strangle him, or crush him under your heel. You need to learn to live without fear and to love without fear. You both must learn from everyone here. Some of the brats are wilder than either you or I prefer, but you must let Samuel see that side, even perhaps dip his toes into some of the less well planned brat pranks. Today, Landon will take care of Samuel. Landon understands this from both sides. He will teach your boy how to play and stretch his wings, and he will teach you how to understand and read your brat and other brats." Gordon must have seen Jonah's perplexed look. "Landon's a switch; it gives him a unique insight. You will stay with me and do exactly what I tell you. At the end of the day, we will all talk," Gordon said decisively. "This is ridiculous," Jonah snapped. "I should be taking care of Samuel, not shirking my responsibility to him." "You make it sound like a duty, not a joy," Gordon stated. "It is a duty, my duty, to protect him, and to teach him. It is my responsibility to teach him that I will always punish him when he puts himself in danger," Jonah said. "You have done an excellent job protecting Samuel, but now is an opportunity for you to learn to love and cherish the gift that he has given you," Gordon said. "You have had no example to follow. You do now. I repeat, you will stay right with me today. I want you to observe the interactions of the other tops and brats in residence." When they entered the kitchen, Jonah saw that Samuel had distanced himself from the group of loud young men. Jonah knew Samuel wanted the promised punishment done and over with; Jonah typically didn't make Samuel wait but delivered any punishment promptly. Jonah also made note of the older man standing close to Samuel. "Samuel, I think today is a good day for you to explore the resort. Landon will keep you company," Gordon said, clearly communicating silently to Landon who dropped an arm around Samuel and pulled him close. "But," Samuel said, looking from Gordon to Jonah. "Gordon's being bossy," Landon said easily and kissed Samuel's head. "You're not in trouble for this morning. It was Gordon's idea to let you become the Abominable Snow Boy. He and Jonah can duke it out about being cold and wet, but I'll let you in on a little secret." Landon grinned and spun Samuel around so the young brat was facing him. "No one argues with Gordon on his home turf. I can't even win an argument with him. He calls me cheeky and sends me out to shovel the walks. It's disgraceful." Landon smirked and winked at Samuel. "Behave, boy," Gordon said and batted Landon across the back of the head. Samuel looked at the three men, baffled and more than slightly apprehensive. "Jonah, take Samuel aside and explain that you were mistaken, that he is in no trouble for playing outside this morning," Gordon commanded softly. "Samuel, it's ok; we're good," Jonah said as he led his boy away from the group of people. "I was just worried when I woke up and you weren't there next to me. I am going to stay with Gordon; you be good for Landon, you hear me?" "Yes, Jonah, I hear you. So, you're not going to whip me?" Samuel asked. Jonah knew that Samuel was confused. He had never gone back on a promised punishment. Damn, Gordon, he thought, but turned to reassure Samuel. "No, Samuel, I think you'll remember to tell me next time you leave our room." "Wow, this place really is different, isn't it!" Jonah saw the happiness glowing in Samuel's eyes. "You are sending him mixed signals," Jonah accused Gordon, as he watched Samuel and Landon go off to explore. "No, I am attempting to teach you about the precious gift Samuel has given you," Gordon said. "You've been so busy protecting your brat you didn't realize the power he gave you; you forgot to love him. Follow me, and please stay within touching distance." Jonah's simmering anger slowly melted away as he followed Gordon. He watched as Gordon calmly informed young Gary that "hey, dude" was not an appropriate greeting, and then gave a small smile at the devious punishment that Gordon handed down. Gary was to address everyone, tops and brats, as sir and to bid them a "good day." "This is not merely punishment for the boy," Gordon said, when Jonah told him of his admiration. "It's also training, life skills training. How will he get a decent job when he uses such slang?" Jonah reflected on this; that this forced politeness was not only a punishment for Gary using inappropriate language, but practice of a useful skill. Jonah listened as Gordon talked to a man called Milton on the phone. Gordon's voice becoming very firm and direct. "Milton, you will take over my position in the very near future. You have to learn to think every situation through to all its possible conclusions. I will not be here to protect you from your own folly." Gordon said into the phone. "That boy, will forever think that I can pull him out of whatever mess he gets himself into," Gordon said to Jonah when he had placed the phone on the receiver. "He's a powerful top, but he can certainly find himself in the most creative disasters of his own making, far more imaginative than any brat's I have no idea how he handles a firecracker like Sheldon." Jonah was having difficulty imaging a top creating disasters, especially a top so casually mentioned as Gordon's successor. Tops didn't create disasters; they were supposed to protect their partners from harm. "But he does a wonderful job," Landon said as he walked in the room, Samuel in his wake. "Yes, he does," Gordon agreed. "What a pleasant surprise, I didn't expect to see you two until dinner." "We just came in to let you know we're going into town. I'm trying to teach him proper manners about informing his partner of his whereabouts. Have I set the appropriate example?" "You're pushing it, boy," Gordon growled. "Have you been sitting too comfortably?" "Never, sir. Perish the thought." Landon grinned, suddenly looking very boyish. "It will take most of the day. This boy has nothing but jeans and flannel shirts. They're fine for working, but I thought it would be nice to go for a swim. Samuel needs swimming trunks and instead of loaning him a pair, I thought it would be fun for us to go shopping and out to lunch," Landon said. "Brat, do your shopping and then we'll have a chat." "No, it's not!" Jonah couldn't help himself. "Samuel, you don't need to go swimming; you were outside in the snow; now you think you're going swimming? You will come down with pneumonia." "Jonah, stop. Samuel will go with Landon," Gordon said. "Go, have fun. Landon, make sure he has enough of all the necessities." "No! Samuel, come here," Jonah said. He went to grab his partner but Gordon moved quicker, catching Jonah's arm in a strong grip. "You are scaring your boy," Gordon said to Jonah. Jonah saw Samuel staring at him wide-eyed. "I don't care. You have interfered enough. Samuel is my responsibility. I will buy his clothes." "Landon, Samuel, please, go enjoy your outing. Samuel, Jonah will be fine. He is just having a difficult day." Gordon urged Landon and Samuel to go. "No, I'll stay here with Jonah," Samuel said. Jonah turned triumphant eyes toward Gordon. Samuel knew to whom to listen, and it wasn't Gordon. Jonah quickly sent his eyes to the floor at the look Gordon gave him. "The surgeon general has determined that arguments between tops are dangerous to the bystanders' health. They pose a far greater risk than snow or cold water," Landon quipped. "I think this was our exit line." "Jonah," Samuel said softly, his eyes darting between the three men. "Do you really want Samuel to witness this? Do you deny your boy basic necessities because of pride?" Gordon asked icily. "Tell him to go, now." At Gordon's tone, Jonah obeyed. "Go on Samuel. Gordon's right I'm just having a bad day. Go with Landon, have a nice lunch and get what you need, but only what you really need." Jonah felt a pit forming in his stomach as Gordon turned to him after the brats had left. "You will learn to put your brat's needs above your misplaced pride," Gordon said. "You let him go with that lunatic partner of yours who makes ridiculous jokes. He shouldn't be let out of sight." "Landon was trying desperately and unfortunately less than successfully to distract your partner from your behavior. You have a responsibility to your boy. Today you have utterly failed in that responsibility. A failure I will not tolerate. Over my knee, my lad." "I, I, I'm a top," Jonah stuttered as Gordon took his hand and led him to a leather couch. "You are a top that is about to understand discipline from the other side. Your pride should never interfere with your brat's needs," Gordon said adamantly. Jonah didn't put up a fight as Gordon took down his pants and laid him over his knees. He couldn't remember ever being in this position; his father beat him plenty, but it was always standing with his hands against the wall or over his father's desk, gripping the edges in white knuckle desperation. His father would whip harder if he moved or made noise. Jonah had learned through hard lessons with his father's belt to never struggle during a punishment. Jonah felt a slight tug as his shirt tails were lifted and heard Gordon gasp. He knew Gordon had seen the scars on his back. "Who beat you?" Gordon asked. "My father," Jonah said. "He suspected me of being a homosexual and tried to beat the demon out of me." "I will not beat you, Jonah. I will never beat you; I understand the difference. I will spank you, though. It is important that you understand the difference," Gordon said and brought his hand down. Jonah jerked at the first swat before burying his head into the sofa and freezing his body in place. This was a child's punishment; he could endure this silently and bravely. He breathed in the smell of the rich leather and tried to concentrate on the pattern of the blows. If this was the price for Samuel's safety; it was a small price to pay. No, it wasn't a beating, but the spanking sure hurt like hell, Jonah thought to himself when the last swat had fallen. Then he felt himself stiffen when Gordon tried to pull him onto his lap. "I can spank you, but I can't comfort you?" Gordon asked his arms locked around Jonah, refusing to let him pull away. "This is not an endurance contest. Emotional distance is not the appropriate response. I can spank you again, or I can hold you. I will hold you by the end of the day." "Umm, no. Why would you want to? I've been punished, I don't deserve comfort," Jonah was at a lost as to why Gordon would now want to comfort him. "Do you not extend the same kindness to Samuel after you have spanked him?" "No, it's punishment. He shouldn't be coddled, he would never learn," Jonah tried to explain. "Oh, Jonah," Gordon said, his voice rich, deep, and strangely comforting. "You must show your love and forgiveness after you have punished your boy. How will he know that he has been forgiven?" "I don't understand," Jonah was truly confused. "You must let your boy know that the punishment is over and that he is forgiven," Gordon explained. "I am often described as harsh, but even my most determined critics laud my ability to offer comfort after punishment. I have exacting standards, but punishment is about far more than fear. Fear is easy. Respect and love are hard. Punishment must strengthen the bond with your partner." Gordon's hand rubbed down Jonah's back. "I'm not angry with you. You have every reason to be confused and disoriented. All I ask is you trust us and try to follow our lead. This is about trust. You've never trusted anyone but yourself. It will be a difficult lesson, and I expect you will be over my knee more than once. I am a patient man, but as Landon will tell you, I'm the most stubborn man on earth. We will practice until you get this right, but for now you are forgiven." Gordon brushed the hair back and kissed Jonah's forehead. "Relax. Think. We'll talk later." Gordon manhandled Jonah against him, keeping the younger top enveloped in his arms and pressed against his chest. "You're very safe here, boy. Get used to this." Jonah's mind was in a state of shock with this revelation, his long, lanky body curling on Gordon's lap. No one had ever held him like this. His father had never touched except to hit. Jonah loved Samuel, but he realized how rarely they touched. Outside the home even a misplaced arm could have given them away. Jonah blinked back tears. In his fear, he'd denied his brat love and forgiveness. He couldn't stop the tears that were escaping down his cheeks. Embarrassed, he swiped quickly at his eyes. Men didn't cry; his father had whipped that lesson into him more than once. "Don't fight it. No one's here but us. Landon's held me when I've cried as I've held him. It is far braver to show your emotions. It's all right, lad." He should pull away. He was younger and stronger than Gordon. Jonah didn't have to stay tucked against the older top, listening to his mindless reassurances, but he couldn't seem to muster the strength to move. All he could do was sniffle and swallow tears. Coward, he berated himself. "It's all right. You'll do fine. You've hidden everything for a long time, but you're strong. They didn't poison your soul. Your boy loves you. Lie here and think. You're with friends now." Jonah took a shuddering breath and dropped his head against Gordon's chest. He was too tired to fight the seductive warmth and gentleness: the hands stroking his shoulders, the soft kiss on the temple, and the fingers entwined in his hair. He'd never done this for the man he loved. Gordon was right; there was a better way to live and to love. He could only hope that Gordon would continue to teach him so that he could show Samuel just how much he did love him. TBC

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